Sports Nutrition, Hydration and Performance – Part 2

Food is the fuel that enables athletes to perform to the best of their ability. The diet of an athlete is a fundamental aspect to their training routine. Exercise and eating should form a positive relationship in order to ensure an athlete remains healthy while maximising their performance.
Saturated Fat and Heart Health – The Story of Cheese and Dairy

Most CVDs can be prevented by modifying our behaviour: not smoking, reducing our alcohol intake, being physically active and watching our weight and waistlines. Monitoring our diet, particularly our intakes of saturated fat, is also important.
Creme Global partners on the FDI Evolution of food & drink in Ireland report

Creme Global’s collaboration with Food Drink Ireland (FDI), culminated in the launch of a new report titled FDI Evolution of food and drink in Ireland 2005 -2017. The report shows the decreases in sugar and saturated fat in Irish diets between 2005 and 2017 as a result of voluntary undertakings by food and drink companies.