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Creme RIFM Newsletter 1
Welcome to the first Creme RIFM Newsletter. This quarterly newsletter will keep you up to date on new developments, help you become a proficient model user and provide you with insights from experts and companies using this tool. The following introduction to the newsletter, and a reminder on some of the key benefits of using this model, was kindly provided by Anne Marie Api, RIFM Vice President.

The Creme RIFM Aggregate Exposure Model has been in use for several years and has proven its value to RIFM and the fragrance industry by demonstrating the safety of RIFM Member Company products. The Model contains exposure data for every fragrance ingredient in the RIFM Safety Assessment program. The data show that exposure to fragrance ingredients is very low. In fact, exposures for more than 75% of ingredients fall below the Threshold of Toxicological Concern. While realistic, there are still many conservativisms in the Creme RIFM Aggregate Exposure Model to ensure the safe use of fragranced products. The Model is the most comprehensive of its kind, provides realistic exposures, and is a substantial advancement from the previous methods used to determine exposure to fragrance ingredients.
Anne Marie Api
RIFM Vice President
Future Plans
Creme RIFM Model Development Roadmap
We have prepared a technical roadmap of the Creme RIFM model. This roadmap covers planned developments for next two years. Tasks presented and planned timings are open for discussion so please send us your ideas and feedback.
Planned 2022 Developments
- Implementation of the Singapore use and practices dataset
- Implementation of the data gathered in the baby study project with Cosmetic Europe
- Interactive dashboards to analyse use habits and practices
Planned 2023 Developments
- New Kantar data for the US and Europe (the current set covers data from 2014 and 2015)
- New visualisations for the exposure assessments
- Cumulative risk assessment functionality
- Latest NHANES data and European data

In Conversation
Expert Talk with Paul Sterchele, Senior Regulatory Toxicologist at IFF
We spoke with one of the experts using Creme RIFM model and he shared some insights about the product and how it fits into his work.
Hello Paul. Could you tell us more about how you discovered Creme RIFM?
I have been using the Creme RIFM model for at least 6 years. As a scientist supporting fragrance materials, I became aware of this product soon after it was released, since RIFM is a key partner for our industry and represents the international scientific authority for the safe use of fragrance materials.
What issues are you trying to solve with the Creme RIFM model and were there any obstacles in buying the licence for the model?
My primary goal is to estimate aggregate consumer exposure to fragrance ingredients via the dermal, inhalation, and oral routes of exposure, as accurately as possible. Upon the original release of this product, purchase was limited to specific users, and it was cost prohibitive for my employer to purchase access for each employee who would benefit from using this tool.
What would you do if you could no longer use the product?
It would be extremely difficult to estimate consumer exposure to fragrance ingredients without the Creme RIFM model, because this model contains accurate use concentration data of specific fragrance materials, as well as habits & practices data for thousands of consumers. I would probably resort to a deterministic method, which is less accurate and more effort intensive to conduct.
What is the primary benefit you have received by using the product and how often do you use Creme RIFM model?
This probabilistic model allows for the efficient determination of exposure to fragrance materials, so it saves much time and provides confidence in the risk assessments that are generated using the exposure outputs from the model. I’d estimate I use the model once every few months, perhaps 6-8 times a year, but my colleagues may use it more frequently because of the type of exposure work they conduct.
Would you recommend this product to someone else and why?
Yes, if you need to estimate exposure to fragrance materials or other ingredients present in consumer products, I would recommend purchase of the Creme RIFM model to others as a worthy investment. Not only is the model convenient and easy to operate, it is also flexible, so specific parameters such as product retention factors or penetration factors can be customized if data is available to refine the exposure calculation.
What do you love / hate about the product?
I appreciate that the probabilistic exposure assessments are based on actual data on product consumption and fragrance use concentrations, so the aggregate exposure estimates are realistic. There is nothing I “hate” about the tool, but sometimes if I don’t use the model for several months, I struggle to remember certain functionalities. With that said, there is a helpful “Support Center” included in the product which often contains the answers to any questions I may have about using this tool.
What would make your work in Creme RIFM model easier?
My employer is a supplier of raw materials, and our ingredients are used in a wide variety of consumer products, so it would be helpful to have periodic updates of the model to include new product types like sunscreen, face masks, etc. A separate model capturing baby products would also be valuable, in my opinion.
Learn more about Creme RIFM Model
Model Background and Running a Basic Exposure Assessment
Join Dr John O’Brien, Head of Data Modelling and Statistics at Creme Global in a series of videos explaining all nuances and benefits of Creme RIFM model. First video in this series explains the model background and shows you how to run a basic exposure assessment.

We want to hear from you
We hope you found this newsletter helpful and informative. Please send us your feedback on the Creme RIFM model, our planned roadmap and ideas on what topics you want to hear more about.