Introducing Data Foundry

At Creme Global we believe in the collection, integration and secure sharing of data to produce insights and clarity and to create value. For over 15 years, we have worked with leading organisations around the world on secure, collaborative, data and scientific modelling solutions.

We are proud to present our new product Data Foundry, designed to facilitate the collection, anonymisation, structuring and modelling of diverse data sets from around the world and revolutionise the way whole industries solve complex multi-stakeholder challenges.

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The benefits and hazards of using insects for food and feed

Insects are a source of energy, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Mean estimates show energy levels to be around 400–500 kcal per 100 g of dry matter, making them comparable with other protein sources. However, there are some potential biological, chemical and environmental hazards associated with the use of farmed insects as food and feed.

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