FINDIET The National Finland Survey Food Consumption Database

The Food Consumption Database is a dataset on food consumption across Finnish adults aged 25-74 years.


What is the National Findiet Survey 2007?

The National Findiet Survey 2007 was a large-scale population survey conducted by the Finnish National Public Health Institute, KTL. The aim of this survey was to monitor the risk of chronic disease risk factors in the Finnish population. The survey was conducted between January and March 2007, and it covered five different study regions in Finland. This survey is a part of the National FINRISK 2007 study, a 5-year population survey.


The National Findiet Survey population consisted of adults aged 25-74 years. The population was stratified by sex, area and 10-year age group and was drawn from the Finnish Population Information System. A total of 9958 eligible individuals were invited to attend the study centres in their area, where trained surveyors assisted them. 63% of the invited samples participated in routine physical measurements and examinations. The participants filled out a general questionnaire that included questions on dietary habits. A subgroup (33% of total participants) participated in a dietary interview. The trained interviewers conducted a face-to-face 48-hour dietary recall interview and recorded the data. Additionally, participants were asked to keep a three days food diary after the interview in the period between January-March and again between June and October. The final number of participants studied was 730 men (56 % of the original sample) and 846 women (64 %). Dietary data were also collected in the Finessi software, an application developed at THL, which uses the Fineli® Food Composition Database. The mean intakes of nutrients were compared to the levels recommended by the National Nutrition Council. Intake of salt/sodium and food supplements were examined in conjunction with the 48 hour recall. . A picture book of food portions was used to estimate portion sizes, and the national Food Composition Database Fineli(R) to calculate nutrient intakes.


The dietary recall interview was conducted in two steps: first, eating occasions were chronologically reviewed, and the names, times and locations of eating occasions were asked for and recorded using the in-house software Finessi. Second, foods, beverages and dietary supplements consumed during each eating occasion were asked for and coded by Finessi software. The Finnish national food composition database was used to calculate dietary data. This database consists of over 3000 basic ingredients and composite foods, over 500 dietary supplements, and over 300 nutrient factors. Nutrient losses during preparation and cooking were accounted for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin B12, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin and pyridoxine. 

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Datasets available in Findiet food consumption database

Related questions about the Findiet Food Consumption Database

How do I access the National Findiet Survey 2007 datasets?

The data from National Findiet Survey 2007 data can be accessed from the official website of the National Public Health Institute.

Go to the link below to access the data as a pdf file.

Several other secondary reports and research articles on the National Findiet survey:


Creme Global has accessed these datasets and we have tested and validated the data in our models and dashboards. We can assist you to acquire permission to use the data in our models.

How are the Findiet Survey 2007 datasets used by companies, institutes and organizations?

The National FINDIET surveys were conducted to monitor the dietary habits and nutrient intake of the adult Finnish population.  The data obtained from the survey can be used by food producers, nutritionists, researchers and policymakers in the following ways: 

  • To assess the average daily intake of food, and monitor the difference between actual intake and nationally recommended levels using models such as Creme Nutrition
  •  To identify and classify meals and food combinations.
  • To assess the average daily nutrient intake in terms of energy levels, macronutrients, fibre, fatty acids, cholesterol, vitamins and minerals.
  • To determine the energy intake and metabolic activity level of the Finnish population


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