The 80/20 Rule – Does the Pareto Principle Hold True in Cosmetic Exposure?
In cosmetic exposure, let’s explore if the majority (80%) of product exposure to a population is caused by a minority (20%) of products. To tell whether this 80/20 rule holds true we will need to calculate the aggregate exposure of cosmetic products to the population.
New European Cosmetic Directive Enters Into Force – What it Means for Safety and Exposure Assessment
The provisions of the new Regulation aim at ensuring that consumers’ health is protected and that they are well informed by monitoring the composition and labelling of products.
Creme RIFM Fragrance Aggregate Exposure Model Introduction and Demo
There are 60 fragrance compounds assessed in the model, and ready to review, with another 100 compounds currently being processed that will be installed in the model shortly.
Can Parallel Universes Predict What We Consume?
How might we make predictions in a world of choice and randomness? If we borrow a concept from modern physics, we may be able to make lots of predictions rather than just one.
When Shampoo Bottles Become Smart
Sensors embedded in products could lift the veil on product use in the home, especially for new products where there is much uncertainty about how the public will react or engage with a product.