Creme Global Publication

The challenges and solutions to implementing genomics in a live factory environment

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Leading industry experts weigh in on the challenges for the year ahead

The global pandemic brought unprecedented impact to all facets of daily life, changes to food safety are an ongoing challenge for the industry. Focusing on next-generation solutions, a group of industry leaders and university professors recently discussed Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in food safety microbiology. Key to the discussion was how to successfully implement genomics in a live factory environment.

Expert panel

John O’Brien
Founder and Director of The Food Observatory, Formerly CEO of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and Leader of the Food Safety & Integrity Research Program at Nestlé

Panagiotis Skandamis
Professor in Food Microbiology, Food Hygiene and Food Quality Control at Agricultural University of Athens

Kalliopi Rantsiou
Professor at the University of Turin in Italy

John Donaghy
Head of Food Safety for Nestlé Global Operations

Pablo Carrión
Senior Research & Development Microbiologist at Nestlé Purina

Seamus Fanning
Professor of Food Safety and Zoonosis from University College Dublin and Principal Microbiologist at Creme Global

Martin Wiedmann
Gellert Family Professor in Food Safety, Food Science at Cornell University

Deann Akins-Lewenthal
Senior director for food safety and laboratory services for Conagra Brands

“The goal is to translate WG and NGS type of information into a more refined type of risk assessment.”

Seamus Fanning
Professor of Food Safety and Zoonosis from University College Dublin
Principal Microbiologist at Creme Global

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