Case Studies

We work with leading organisations across different sectors to enable better decision making in food science, human health, operational risk and scenario analysis.


ODIN aims to provide high quality scientific evidence to prevent vitamin D deficiency in European citizens and improve nutrition and public health through food.
Domain: Nutrition


Along with researchers at University College Dublin Creme Global have designed an online tool that will record the nutritional habits of the Irish population.
Domain: Nutrition

Activities: Software Development | Data wrangling


The challenge of the HeatDB project was to build a resource for risk assessors to use to quickly search and locate human exposure tools and data available in the public domain.
Domain: Exposure

Activities: Software Design | Database | Message board

ILSI – Commercial Fats/Oils Substitution Project

Commercial Fats/Oils Substitution Project: The widespread use of oils with heart-healthy fatty acid profiles were of interest to the ILSI North America Lipid Committee.
Domain: Nutrition

Activities: Domain consultancy | Safe Data Collection | Data wrangling


CARES NG is a cloud hosted software for generating scientific analysis and reports using both dietary and residential modules.
Domain: Chemical

Activities: Software Development | Advanced Model Creation | Safe Data Collection | Data Wrangling | Total Aggregate Exposure


The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and Creme Global have partnered to develop an aggregate exposure model for fragrance materials that has substantially improved consumer safety and reduced use of animal testing in the fragrance industry.
Domain: Personal Care

Activities: Software Development | Model Development & Deployment | Safe Data Collection & Analytics

Cosmetics Europe

The aim of this project was to provide quantitative information on habits and practices of consumers in the European Union.
Domain: Personal Care

Activities: Domain consultancy | Total Aggregate Exposure | Safe Data Collection | Data wrangling

FSAI – Irish Salt Reduction Programme

Irish Salt Reduction Programme: Using Creme Global’s expertise and software the FSAI were able to analyse the salt intake of the Irish population
Domain: Nutrition     Software: Creme Food Safety

Activities: Consumer Intake Assessment | Safe Data Collection | Data wrangling


Determining the effect of polyphenols and bioactive peptides on cardiovascular health (FP7).
Domain: Nutrition Software Used:     Creme Nutrition XX

Activities: Domain consultancy | Total Aggregate Exposure | Safe Data Collection
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