Monte Carlo or Bust?

This technique of running many simulations is known as the Monte Carlo method, a category of modelling techniques that has and is gaining currency in many different areas, particularly with increases in computational capability.
Cloud Computing for Predictive Intake Modelling at Creme Global

What does Cloud Computing really mean? What are the benefits of using Cloud-based technologies, over the traditional ones that we may be more familiar with?
Opening up AI Black Boxes

“Explanations are … the currency in which we exchange beliefs.” Lombrozo, 2016
Cutting Through AI and Analytics Hype

For the fifth year running the Predict conference in Dublin provided a reality check on how far AI and analytics has come and how far there is still to go.
Using NLP To Find Relevant Research

For anyone working in a scientific discipline, staying up to date with the latest research is a part and parcel of the job. However, with the huge deluge of research being churned out, this isn’t such an easy task.