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In this study, we describe the statistical analysis of the usage profile of the European population to seven cosmetic products. The aim of the study was to construct a reliable model of exposure of the European population from use of the selected products: body lotion, shampoo, deodorant spray, deodorant…
Authors: McNamara C, Rohan D, Golden D, Gibney M, Hall B, Tozer S, Safford B, Coroama M, Leneveu-Duchemin MC, Steiling W.
Publication date: 07/07/2007
Access to reliable exposure data is essential to evaluate the toxicological safety of ingredients in cosmetic products. This study was carried out by European cosmetic manufacturers acting within the trade association Colipa, with the aim to construct a probabilistic European population model of exposure. The study updates, in distribution…
Authors: Hall B, Tozer S, Safford B, Coroama M, Steiling W, Leneveu-Duchemin MC, McNamara C, Gibney M.
Publication date: 16/06/2007
Realistic estimates of chemical aggregate exposure are needed to ensure consumer safety. As exposure estimates are a critical part of the equation used to calculate acceptable “safe levels” and conduct quantitative risk assessments, methods are needed to produce realistic exposure estimations. To this end, a probabilistic aggregate exposure model…
Authors: Tozer S, Kelly S, O’Mahony C, Daly EJ, Nash JF.
Publication date: 16/06/2015
The present application provides a scalable system for managing requests for compute resources using a cloud computing architecture. The system estimates the total processing time of each computation in advance and monitors the progress of each computation to provide a more accurate estimate of remaining processing time. In this…
Authors: Daly Edmond James, David Rohan, Cronan McNamara
Publication date: 09/06/2011
Any quantitative understanding of human risk from exposure to pesticides requires knowledge of both hazard (the intrinsic ability of a pesticide to cause harm) and exposure (absorbed dose), i.e., risk is directly proportional to the product of hazard and exposure. Thus, regardless of potential high hazard, risk may be…
Authors: Ross John; Driver, Jeffrey; Lunchick, Curt; O’Mahony, Cian
Publication date: 01/02/2015
Background: Despite numerous healthy eating campaigns, the prevalence of diets high in saturated fatty acids, sugar, and salt and low in fiber, fruit, and vegetables remains high. With more people than ever accessing the Internet, Web-based dietary assessment instruments have the potential to promote healthier dietary behaviors via personalized…
Authors: Forster H, Walsh MC, O’Donovan CB, Woolhead C, McGirr C, Daly E, O’Riordan R, Celis-Morales C, Fallaize R, Macready AL, Marsaux CFM, Navas-Carretero S, San-Cristobal R, Kolossa S, Hartwig K, Mavrogianni C, Tsirigoti L, Lambrinou CP, Godlewska M, Surwiłło A, Gjelstad IMF, Drevon CA, Manios Y, Traczyk I, Martinez JA, Saris WHM, Daniel H, Lovegrove JA, Mathers JC, Gibney MJ, Gibney ER, Brennan L
Publication date: 30/06/2016
Purpose To report the vitamin D status in adults from seven European countries and to identify behavioural correlates. Methods In total, 1075 eligible adult men and women from Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Greece, UK, Poland and Germany, were included in the study. Results Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, defined as…
Authors: Manios Y. et al on behalf of the Food4Me Study
Publication date: 13/03/2017
Background National guidelines emphasize healthy eating to promote wellbeing and prevention of non-communicable diseases. The perceived healthiness of food is determined by many factors affecting food intake. A positive perception of healthy eating has been shown to be associated with greater diet quality. Internet-based methodologies allow contact with large…
Authors: San-Cristobal R. et al on behalf of the Food4Me Study
Publication date: 11/12/2017


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